
GlobalSource Partners

Case Study

The GS Direct platform has been in production at GlobalSource Partners since 2015, powering the firm’s significant growth. GlobalSource Partners is a leading provider of economic and political analysis on emerging markets. GS Direct’s end-to-end solution allows GlobalSource features for publishing and distribution, virtual communication between analyst and client, usage reports and addressing ever-changing compliance requirements.

GS Direct has enabled us to enhance all aspects of our business including sales growth and marketing effectiveness, publishing and distribution workflows, tracking client and trialist readership, and providing usage reports required by the client compliance departments.

The tracking features of the GS Direct platform allows us to visualize growth in usage and to document specific readers, thus helping us to better target their interests which drive sales growth and improve client retention.

GlobalSource Partners, Inc

The broad automation capabilities of the GS Direct platform allow us to lower overall costs and redirect our efforts towards increasing revenues.

Head of Sales
GlobalSource Partners, Inc

Independent views from locally based analysts:

GlobalSource Partners, Inc. provides independent, authoritative views from analysts based locally across 30+ emerging market countries. Analysts live and work in the country they cover, bringing their unique experience and in-country perspective through ongoing reports and access for consulting through calls and interaction on the GS Direct platform.

Unique model:

The business model of GlobalSource Partners, Inc. has been further enhanced by utilizing the GS Direct platform. With analysts based across various countries, and with different time zones, clients are provided with 24/7 virtual access through GS Direct’s communications feature. All questions and call requests are tracked via Usage reports.

GlobalSource Partners, Inc. enhanced services:

GlobalSource Partners, Inc. utilizes GS Direct in all aspects of their business with a key focus on enhancing their sales and marketing efforts. The timely publishing and distribution of reports and webinar events, and the tracking of client usage allows GlobalSource Partners, Inc. to have a better understanding of client consumption and primary interests. Overall, the automation of internal processes has resulted in increased efficiencies, resulting in a positive ROI measured by reduced operational costs and increased revenues.